Monday, 13 February 2012


Alex Ferguson, manager of Manchester United F.C.
Image via Wikipedia
Don't all get caught up into the Suarez/Evra affair for the wrong reasons.  I have travelled worldwide on numerous assignments.  I therefore very frequently become disappointed by the devilish acts peoples of countries I have visited, carry out here in the UK. I have never yet figured out just why they act differently here.

For instance, Suarez who through his black grandfather's bloodline is actually a black man.  I mean, stand this rude, ignorant chap next to Wayne Rooney, and you'll instantly see two things: Firstly, Suarez is a black man with (slightly) light skin. Secondly, Rooney is quite a decent lad, after all. You see, Rooney may well get up to boyish pranks -- and more, but on the race issue he is firm. He'll accept no Racial Discrimination dished out to his black team mates.

At home in Uruguay with his hunched back, curly hair and yellow skin, Suarez must consider himself superior to his late black grand father and that side of his family tree. However, it is unlikely that he would act on his arrogance.  As far as I know there are no Race Laws in that country.  What I do know however, is that Suarez is a disgrace to the memory of his grandfather and all black people everywhere. He should be marked down as a joke.  A laughingstock.

I have no doubt that his white team mates and manager laugh at Suarez when out of earshot, for his false, stupid, self determined white status. In other words, the denial of his black roots.

In some circles, Suarez is seen as a coconut -- white inside.  A 'wanna be' -- I want to be white.  A house slave -- lighter of skin than slaves working in the Cotton fields, and on the Sugar plantations, etc.,. These light skin slaves would fetch and carry and at times grant more personal services, in their Masters' houses.  Their fair skin were down to slave masters getting down and dirty -- very dirty; rape type dirty, with beautiful black women slaves. Indeed, if one were to check Suarez's lineage the similarity, excluding rape, of course, is stark.

Also, it is well known that house slaves behaved  towards field slaves, in the same manner as Suarez towards Mr Evra. Superior.  Needless to say, the slave masters, their families and guests croaked in approval when they saw these all-black confrontations. It would seem that little has changed here since then.

Indeed, white slave masters and ilk, instigated these conflicts, by reminding the fair skinned Negroes that they had white blood  pumping through their veins.  That would no doubt make them feel instantly superior.  However, these slave masters cared not one way nor the other about fair skin or dark skin slave. In their eyes they were neither of them white.   They could use them in the same way they used their black mothers and just about any other way they cared to.  In other words, slave masters cared only about what slaves had to offer them.  They cared nothing whatsoever, about them, per se.

A fight to the death would ensue. The opponents of course were only recognised as Lighty and Darkie. The white bookie would take bets from all-white pundits on whether it would be Lighty or Darkie who would be murdered by the other.  It may surprise you to know also, that even when Darkie won, he would then be himself murdered -- for his blasphemy? -- Well, perhaps that.  One thing is for sure, a reason would be found.

Has anyone seen any similarities between Liverpool  FC, Dalglish and the large Slave Masters Mansions in darkest Mississippi  of old?  Suarez acted as he did because he is bereft of intellect.  Liverpool FC sanctioned his behaviour because they thought they could put one over on (love him or hate him) the ever brilliant Sir Alex Ferguson. Yet throughout this avoidable farce, It is Sir Alex, MUFC and the harassed and victimised Patrice Evra, who have behaved with stoic and admirable dignity.

Dalglish a surly sulky little man, can never rise to the heights of Sir Alex Ferguson.  Unlike Sir Alex, he is not a natural born leader of others, and he is certainly not an original thinker.  He is a mopish ingrate who never stayed out of the astute Roy Hodgson's way, as Hodgson tried to stamp his mark on Liverpool.  Whether Liverpool supporters like it or not, this is the beginning of the end for you.  Liverpool would  always now feature outside the top five of Premiership football clubs in the UK. That was apparent to all but you, when you deleted Mr Hodgson, and inserted  Dalglish.  Furthermore, With Dalglish at its helm,  Liverpool shall now always be riddled with Racial Discrimination, post Suarez.

Liverpool FC's dithering and latent apologies (many weeks overdue) shows it incapable of putting this very serious, yet once very avoidable matter, to bed. The case must therefore be taken away from Liverpool and be dealt with by the FA.

The FA's solution must be to put this coconut ... Er, Senor Suarez, on an Air plane.  Its instruction must be  that the plane should be otherwise passenger less.  It must fly to Uruguay; eject passenger  from seat, in parachute, thirty thousand feet over Montevideo's densest black ghetto and the Atlantic. This would place Suarez between the devil and the deep blue sea.  He may well swim -- else, sink.  Either way, he would have been given one last chance to redeem himself.  Or not.

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