Friday, 3 February 2012


English: The Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation (Home...
Image via Wikipedia
As we learnt yesterday, Scottish Dr Tim McNicholas refused to treat a black Army Veteran, for no other reason than his colour.  Of course he has tried to justify this Racist act, by claiming that the Veteran has been rude; merely because the black man rightly stood up for his Human Rights (as a human being), to be treated with full respect; especially, in his own surgery.

As chance would have it, Dr McNicholas works from a surgery on the grounds of the veteran's home -- the Veterans' Home of Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation, located at 446 Fulham Road, Fulham, London.  This Surgery was de facto opened to serve these veterans, be they white or black, as in the case of this poor victimised former soldier.  A similar arrangement to the Chelsea Pensioners, in Chelsea, we are told.

We do not know if there are any black Chelsea Pensioners.  What we do know is that if there are any, you are unlikely to get Dr McNicholas to treat them. You of course can ask Dr McNicholas what his plans are after he is forced to leave the Fulham Medical Centre, (a building in the black veteran's home)  because surely this sort of behaviour can never be tolerated from a doctor.  And, surely neither the Medical Authorities, nor the Laws of England (the doctor probably relies on Scottish Law) shall allow this doctor to pick and chose the colour of his patients.

When a final outcome is reached and this doctor and his staff are removed from Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation, he must never be trusted to work with Military personnel of any creed or colour again.  And, black patients must certainly steer clear of him. A permanent post to Benbecula or removal of all status to practice medicine should be the only options left to such a man.  Racism is a deadly disease. It must play no  part in our 21st century world. Therefore, anyone caught breaking the law in this immoral manner, must be made an example of.  Be he a road sweeper or a janitor -- but especially if he is a doctor.

You can ask Dr McNicholas what his plans are now.  Or you may wish to give him some suggestions here:
Dr Tim McNicholas may be contacted by phone on 020 7385 6001; or by Fax on 020 7385 3755

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