Wednesday, 8 February 2012


LONDON, ENGLAND - FEBRUARY 07:  Harry Redknapp...
Image by Getty Images via @daylife
There are times when whatever ills are passing through your life, as fellow human beings we must nonetheless think of others.  Today, we must all be happy for Harry Redknapp and Milan Mandaric -- and their families.  None but they can truly know how devastated they have felt over these past five years. Like the troopers they are though, Harry and Milan saw things through.
They did not put their lives on hold  whilst lies were being told about them.

As a successful family man (a rare feat), a brilliant football manager with resplendent personality;  Harry is a fine example of man. Such men make enemies. Try as their enemies do to belittle and  shame the Harry's and Milan's of this world, they rarely succeed with their malicious agendas.   And, as these enemies become less and less happy with their own measly lot, the happy Harry's and Milan's of of this world keep soring to greater heights -- and, rightly so.

A better friend than Mr Mandaric to Redknapp a man is hard to find. He stayed calm, positive, resolute and loyal throught this unhealthy saga. A classic example of man's humanity to man -- rather than the other way around.
You see, liars and deceivers never win ultimately, because, "Whatever is happening to you today is because of whether or not you work properly with the truth."
[Psalm 41:2; Psalm 112:1-9]

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