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Yet, there has been many conflicts around the world ever since. In each conflict Asians and Afro Caribbeans have fought alongside White Britain. It seems so easy to forget the contribution made by these people of colour, come peacetime.
Today we learn that Britain has the most mixed race marriages of all nations in this world. Walk down or up almost any street in London now, and you will see the happiness in the eyes of mixed race children. Ah, but other of these children are sad. For some reason however, you always seem to notice only the happy ones.
It is only when you can confront this blind spot that peace can ever truly come -- to stay. For it is from that sadness where rage is born. And, it is from that rage which becomes war. The child who is set upon (and saddened) because of his or her colour grows up to remember the persons who hurt them when they were too young to defend their selves. Although, not too young to realise their colour is the factor.
You must not forget too, that the white child grows up to think that the racist acts of their own parents and families around them are acceptable. Custom and practise. Par for the course. So, perhaps this record mixed race relationships will foster children who are all the same colour, yet remember and accept that their parents are of different skin colour.
Perhaps then, they shall see peace in their time. But, 'Peace in [OUR] time'? We wait!
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