Thursday, 2 February 2012


English: The Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation (Home...
Image via Wikipedia
Sometimes you hear stories which you cannot believe; so shocking are the facts.  Today we bring you one of these stories, by way of a campaign to make matters right.  Racial Discrimination is never acceptable.  However when it is exhibited from a Medical Centre, then that is by far Racial Discrimination at its very worst.

The facts are that the Fulham Medical Centre at 446 Fulham Road, Fulham, London SW6 1BG, refuses to serve a black British Army veteran, for no other reason that he is black.  Then in order to justify their reason not to serve this sick veteran, they claim that he is rude.  As we know there are two sides two every story.  All too often public opinion sides with the rich, against  poor white working classes and people of colour. Most times however, these peoples' stories are never allowed to be heard. 

We argue that thanks to the power of the Internet, such scandalous behaviour was exposed and put right in the recent Arab spring rising.  We beg you to support us for this sick black veteran, in the same manner that we ALL supported the strike out for Justice in Egypt, Libya, etc.,

Do not let Fulham Medical Centre, get away with banning this poor sick veteran.  This practise of Medical Practises secretly banning black patients, at will, is a regular occurrence.  They get away with it because black people are too tired and/or afraid to fight for their Human Rights.

As it happens, Fulham Medical Centre is housed in the Veteran's Home of Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation, based at the same address. The head receptionist, Tessa Newby humiliated this black veteran in a surgery full of other patients.  This is because the black veteran was trying to book an appointment since November of last year, for January this year. Yes.  That long.

He was told repeatedly to return to book his appointment. Indeed, each time he returned, he was again sent away.  When his medication eventually ran out  in January this year, the Veteran went in and rightly refused to leave until he saw a doctor and was given a new prescription for medication. As we understand it, this medical centre has allotted slots for 'Emergencies' every day.  However, even Emergency was not extended to this sick black veteran, on account of his colour.

Now, in case you have misunderstood, the story thus far, this medical centre is situated in the black veteran's home.  This medical centre is there first and foremost to treat Veterans. The veteran is  refused medical treatment on account of his colour and banned from returning. Banned, because he stood up as any assertive person, of whatever colour would and MUST, for their rights.

To ensure that he does not return, Tessa Newby threatens to call the police to drag him out -- of his own home, literally -- if you have been following this sad case of Racial Discrimination (which we trust you are).  It is the lowest of the low, coming from the highest form -- a medical centre.

Isn't it the duty of doctors to treat patients -- of ALL colour, creed, nationality, religion, race, et al? Well, according to Dr Tim McNicholas, senior partner of the surgery, NO.  This Scottish doctor, has condoned the racist behaviour of his reception staff and the humiliating dress down given to the veteran, by his head receptionist, Tessa Newby,  in the presence of other patients.

The doctor's nationality is mentioned not as a slur.  Instead, it is to indicate from how far away he has travelled, in order to chase this poor unfortunate former black soldier, from his own home and his own surgery, at the Veterans' Centre, Sir Oswald Stoll, Foundation, Fulham, London.
As before stated, this is a particular disturbing case.  We shall stick with it until this former black soldier is allowed to use his own medical centre in his own home.  Again, if you have been following this story, then you'll agree that when these people are brought to justice, they must all be prevented from ever working in the medical field again.

More to come tomorrow, and until justice is done and seen to be done for this unfortunate black former soldier.  Please tweet your support for this cause.  Please stick with us over this long and muddy journey of man's inhumanity to man. Please remember it is the duty of doctors to serve patients of ALL colour, creed and race.  And if the doctor works from a surgery situated on the grounds of a veterans' Home; it is his duty to serve ALL Veterans there, including a black veteran.

WE welcome any advice you have.  We seek NO MONETARY ASSISTANCE.


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