Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation - Plaques (Photo credit: sarflondondunc) |
Yesterday for Instance it was reported in The Independent that "more than half of Afghanistan's families live in poverty." This article may have left you ready to donate handsomely towards this cause. It is a good thing to do. This lovely nation of ours has been known to empty its childrens' piggy banks, in order to donate to various causes abroad. And this is the one time when children won't mind parents robbing their piggy banks, for they too are always happy to contribute to such causes.
Let us now look at the other side of the coin. It is quite likely that half the military personnel who ever served in Afghanistan are now living homeless in London. If you look at the history of London's homeless ex-service personnel, one common thread runs through:
"Those people do not know what I went through. They cannot understand because they have never been there. And they still think they are better than me." If you ask a homeless ex-military person sleeping rough, it is likely you'll hear something similar. It is their contention that the Civilians who house them or work with them as they try to leave military life behind them, abuse them because they cannot nor do not want to understand them. The only interest these Civilian workers have in them is their regular wage packet.
It is a fact that most of these men (and women) have experienced worst in their daily lives in the Services, than you and I ever can, working in offices and the like here in Civvie Street. It is a fact too, that their fellow military personnel who understand them and vice versa would do a far better job housing and working with them.
For instance, we understand that none of the staff working at Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation, have served in any branch of our Armed Forces, for one day of their lives. This is the Foundation at the centre of our story this week where Dr Tim McNicholas refuses to treat a black Army Veteran. We understand, that Ed Tytherleigh the Chief Executive, encouraged this move by Tim McNicholas. Neither man of course have served in our Military Services. Neither man cares about ex Service personnel per se; especially one who is black. We do not see their not ever serving their country (Scotland in McNicholas' case) in Military as a necessary stumbling block. It however endorses homeless soldiers statements. " ... They cannot understand because they have never been there...they think they are better than me."
The moral of this story is that -- the powers that be, MUST have serving or Ex-Service Personnel looking after Ex-Service Personnel. When and where civilians are employed then it must be on a Voluntary basis. This is the only way we shall know that they care about our veterans. Presently, most Civilians who work with Ex-Service Personnel do so just for the money. They care not one jot about these Ex Service men and women. They treat them in ways you would never dream possible. In some cases the ex-military personnel under their care get fed up with the way they are treated and leave for the streets. Failing that, the self-serving staff find ways of kicking them out on the streets.
As can be seen in our case Dr McNicholas and his staff merely has to lie about this black soldier. Ed Tytherleigh the Chief Executive of Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation, believes him. This is easy to understand since we are told that the medical staff at the Foundation share daily pub lunches with the general workers there. Of course no one would normally question Tim McNicholas and Ed Tytherleigh. These a men of high standing. Who will believe just a former soldier's word over theirs? But a black former soldier? Why, who would even bother to question them?
So, yet again (if you do not support this black hero's cause) one more Veteran will be added to London's Cardboard Population. Sleeping rough, in other words.
Charities such as the Veterans Aid and the Royal British Legion are charities who help Ex-Military men and women, in all manner of ways. They really do care about what become of them. You see, most of their workers have served in branches of our Armed Forces, at one time or another. Those are two organisations you must never tire of donating to. Each time you give a nickel to the poor in Afghanistan and other such causes abroad, be sure to split a quid between the VA and RBL. You will agree we are sure that your donation would be well spent.
On the other hand you must stop contributing to the likes of Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation, until they stop their Racist and all other forms of Discrimination against our poor helpless heroes. The monies you contribute to this organisation merely pay for the dubious lifestyles of these Civilian ingrates. In due course, the powers that be would soon send in Military Staff to run the place and Doctors who care about their patients whatever the colour.
Diogneses Of Sinope once articulated that "In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but in his face." Seems to me that's a message to those of you who would waste your time and money on Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation, when the man in charge administration, Ed Tytherleigh and the man in charge of the sick, Tim McNicholas, so blatantly flout Human Rights law.
Britain must be known as a nation which protect its heroes. Not a nation which mistreat them and then make them homeless. Please continue to publicise our cause for our sick military veteran. There can be no useful place in a fair and democratic society for Ed Tytherleigh and Tim McNicholas.
Dr Tim McNicholas: 020 7385 6001 Chief Executive, Ed Tytherleigh: 020 7385 2110
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