Tuesday, 21 February 2012


LONDON, ENGLAND - JANUARY 03:  Doreen Lawrence...
Image by Getty Images via @daylife
The 18:18 Campaign was launched in 2011, eighteen years after eighteen year old Stephen Lawrence was murdered by five racist thugs, in Eltham, London. Its purpose is to raise funds for the Stephen Lawrence Trust. It is hoped that this branch of the trust will raise money to expand its work.

Doreen Lawrence, Stephen's mother, spoke at the Inaugural 18:18, Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust, Criminal Justice Lecture, yesterday.

She would hear Lord Blair admit that the UK is still failing the Black Community, from the cradle to our grave.

You already know how dignified and brave a lady Mrs Lawrence is.  She says she will carry on her fight, not just for the memory of her son, but for the sake off all black people.  Now, there's a fighter you need in your corner.  She is that rare fighter who just keeps coming back at you, however big and strong you are.  The great thing about her too, she never punches below the waist.  She seeks justice fair and square. Via the law. She is a champion of our time.

Please donate to the Stephen Lawrence Trust, so that Mrs Lawrence can fulfil her dream. Er, OUR dream.  That is to say, peoples of all colour and all nationality who agrees alike Socrates, that "Nothing is to be preferred before justice."  That means, absolutely nothing must take second best in the eyes of God and human law when we are judged -- especially, not one's colour; because deep down, we all know, that we are all, the same.  As such, justice belongs to us all. Equally.

The Stephen Lawrence Trust:- http://www.stephenlawrence.org.uk

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Monday, 20 February 2012


Wladimir (left) and Vitali Klitschko (right), ...
Image via Wikipedia
We all need respect and encouragement.  Respect as a fellow human being and encouragement in what we do. You have to admit we have a right to expect these complements.  That is not to say that we must behave foolishly if they are not forthcoming. Were we to do so, we would be behaving as selfish and mean spirited as our fellow men/women who have withheld them in the first place.

Chisora put up a good fight against Vitali on Saturday night.  Arguably a better one than David Haye against Wladimir  last year.

Pre fight, Chisora was shamefully rude to both  Klitschko brothers.  To their credit both brothers turned the other cheek.  Enormous respect must be paid to both brothers, because we all know that they could have torn strips off of Chisora -- together and singularly.  Literally. They didn't.

I believe that both before and after the bout, that both Lennox Lewis and David Haye behaved abominably to the young and inexperienced Chisora.  Both men are heroes of mine -- and probably of Chisora. They could have both encouraged and chastised the younger Chisora in private, rather than goading him in the eyes of the entire world.  Their actions were un-brotherly, unbecoming and suggested the old African/Caribbean disharmony.  Of course, I am not suggesting it.  I am merely hinting at an appearance of it.

Before the fight, Lewis 'slammed Dereck Chisora's world heavyweight title challenge with Vitali Klitschko as a "mismatch" and should not be taking place."   That is according to David Smith, Boxing Correspondent of the London Evening Standard, p62, Friday 17th February.  If you watched the entire fight on Saturday night however, you would have seen that it was no mismatch.

That aside, I feel that Lewis might have called up Chisora, give him any tips he thought would help; and allow Chisora to ask his advice.  That is how it was done in earlier times, when boxers got paid less, when  boxers genuinely cared for their fellow boxers from whichever continent they came: Examples, Louis and Schmeling, Bugner and Frazier, Muhammad Ali and every body.

I expected the same of David Haye.  There is no denying that both Lewis and Haye are gentle men and possess far greater boxing craft and charisma than Chisora.  These elements can be learnt and added to any youthful cad's armoury.  It could be that they withheld their advice and friendship, because they may have heard that the younger Chisora is somewhat belligerent. But wouldn't they have served him better by getting to him before hand and helping  him.  I mean, seriously; is it not fair to think, that of all the advice out there, Chisora would certainly have valued any  from Lewis and Haye most?

But still the black community complains when we are rightly told that only with an united front can we progress.  Progress? We don't even acknowledge one another in the streets anymore.

Charging Chisora form his boxing purse would not be as effective as having him planting a few tress in the parks and generally mellowing with youngsters while they work together.  After the tree planting the adults turn. Here a lovely mixture of African and West Indian meal, including plantain and rice, swallow down with West Indian Stout and African Guinness could be enjoyed. The boxers three, along with Haye's brilliant trainer Adam Booth  can then play a few games of dominoes.  A game of dominoes, with white spots on black thin blocks banged loudly on table, always does the trick of uniting Africans and West Indians, ancient friends -- or brashful young cads with experience adults. I mean, always!

That would bring Chisora back with all the ingredients he lacks to become a champion boxer.  For I believe that deep down he was born with something darker within, than either Lewis or Haye.  A kind of merciless  rage which wanes only when he puts his opponent out.  A kind rage which must only be uses in the boxing ring.  And even then with intelligence.

Of course, The real heroes throughout this tragedy -- yes, tragedy, is Klitschko. Wladimir and Vitali.   They are devoted to one another. They are strong as oxen.  They have been the world's best two heavyweight boxers over the past decade. Yet, they refused to respond when Chisora was plainly rude and deliberately disrespectful towards them. Instead each brother, on each occasion behaved supremely dignified.  Therein are positive messages for us lesser mortals: Family comes first. Do not respond to rudeness, this way everyone will always remember who is rude -- and who has dignity. And lest we forget, in the fight that really mattered, Chisora lost to Vitali.

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Friday, 17 February 2012


Mixed race boy
Image via Wikipedia
'Peace in our time ' a forecast by prime minister Neville Chamberlain  in 1938.  Peace eventually came after being fought for. Fighting to obtain peace seems a contradiction in term, since the very act of war is directly opposite to peace.  But there we have it. 

Yet, there has been many conflicts around the world ever since.  In each conflict Asians and Afro Caribbeans have fought alongside White Britain.  It seems so easy to forget the contribution made by these people of colour, come peacetime.

Today we learn that Britain has the most mixed race marriages of all  nations in this world.  Walk down or up almost any street in London now, and you will see the happiness in the eyes of mixed race children.  Ah, but other of these children are sad. For some reason however, you always seem to notice only the happy ones.

It is only when you can confront this blind spot that peace can ever truly come -- to stay.  For it is from that sadness where rage is born.  And, it is from that rage which becomes war. The child who is set upon (and saddened) because of his or her colour grows up to remember the persons who hurt them when they were too young to defend their selves.  Although, not too young to realise their colour is the factor.

You must not forget too, that the white child grows up to think that the racist acts of their own parents and families around them are acceptable.  Custom and practise.  Par for the course. So, perhaps this record mixed race relationships will foster children who are all the same colour, yet remember and accept that their parents are of different skin colour.

Perhaps then, they shall see peace in their time.  But, 'Peace in [OUR] time'?  We wait!

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Thursday, 16 February 2012


Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation - Plaques
Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation - Plaques (Photo credit: sarflondondunc)
You will have heard many times about former soldiers living rough in London.  This has been so for years, yet the numbers keep rising.  Why do you think this might be?  If you are patient I will tell you.

Yesterday for Instance it was reported in The Independent that "more than half of Afghanistan's families live in poverty."  This article may have left you ready to donate handsomely towards this cause.  It is a good thing to do. This lovely nation of ours has been known to empty its childrens' piggy banks, in order to donate to various causes abroad.  And this is the one time when children won't mind parents robbing their piggy banks, for they too are always happy to contribute to such causes.

Let us now look at the other side of the coin.  It is quite likely that half the military personnel who ever served in Afghanistan are now living homeless in London. If you look at the history of London's homeless ex-service personnel, one common thread runs through:

 "Those people do not know what I went through.  They cannot understand because they have never been there. And they still think they are better than me."  If you ask a homeless ex-military person sleeping rough,  it is likely you'll hear something similar. It is their contention that the Civilians who house them or work with them as they try to leave military life behind them, abuse them because they cannot nor do not want to understand them.  The only interest these Civilian workers have in them is their regular wage packet.

It is a fact that most of these men (and women) have experienced worst in their daily lives in the Services, than you and I ever can, working in offices and the like here in Civvie Street. It is a fact too, that their fellow military personnel who understand them and vice versa would do a far better job housing and working with them.

For instance, we understand that none of the staff working at Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation, have served in any branch of  our Armed Forces, for one day of their lives.  This is the Foundation at the centre of our story this week where Dr Tim McNicholas refuses to treat a black Army Veteran.  We understand, that Ed Tytherleigh the Chief Executive, encouraged this move by Tim McNicholas.  Neither man of course have served in our Military Services.  Neither man cares about ex Service personnel per se; especially one who is black. We do not see their not ever serving their country (Scotland in McNicholas' case) in Military as a necessary stumbling block.  It however endorses homeless soldiers statements. " ... They cannot understand because they have never been there...they think they are better than me."

The moral of this story is that  -- the powers that be, MUST have serving or Ex-Service Personnel looking after Ex-Service Personnel.  When and where civilians are employed then it must be on a Voluntary basis.  This is the only way we shall know that they care about our veterans.  Presently, most Civilians who work with Ex-Service Personnel do so just for the money.  They care not one jot about these Ex Service men and women.  They treat them in ways you would never dream possible. In some cases the ex-military personnel under their care get fed up with the way they are treated and leave for the streets. Failing that, the self-serving staff find ways of kicking them out on the streets.

As can be seen in our case Dr McNicholas and his staff merely has to lie about this black soldier.  Ed Tytherleigh the Chief Executive of Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation, believes him.  This is easy to understand since we are told that the medical staff at the Foundation share daily pub lunches with the general workers there.  Of course no one would normally question Tim McNicholas and Ed Tytherleigh. These a men of high standing.  Who will believe just a former soldier's word over theirs? But a black former soldier? Why, who would  even bother to question them?

So, yet again (if you do not support this black hero's cause) one more Veteran will be added to London's Cardboard Population.  Sleeping rough, in other words.

Charities such as the Veterans Aid and the Royal British Legion are charities who help Ex-Military men and women,  in all manner of ways.  They really do care about what become of them. You see, most of their workers have served in branches of our Armed Forces, at one time or another.  Those are two organisations you must never tire of donating to. Each time you give a nickel to the poor in Afghanistan and other such causes abroad, be sure to split a quid between the VA and RBL. You will agree we are sure that your donation would be well spent.

On the other hand you must stop contributing to the likes of Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation, until they stop their Racist and all other forms of Discrimination against our poor helpless  heroes.  The monies you contribute to this organisation merely pay for the dubious lifestyles of these Civilian ingrates.  In due course, the powers that be would soon send in Military Staff to run the place and Doctors who care about their patients whatever the colour.

Diogneses Of Sinope once articulated that "In a rich man's house  there is no place to spit but in his face." Seems to me that's a message to those of you who would waste your time and money on Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation, when the man in charge administration, Ed Tytherleigh and the man in charge of the sick, Tim McNicholas, so blatantly flout Human Rights law.

Britain must be known as a nation which protect its heroes.  Not a nation which mistreat them and then make them homeless. Please continue to publicise our cause for our sick military veteran.  There can be no useful place in a fair and democratic society for Ed Tytherleigh and Tim McNicholas.

Dr Tim McNicholas: 020 7385 6001
Chief Executive, Ed Tytherleigh: 020 7385 2110

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Wednesday, 15 February 2012


English: The Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation (Home...
Image via Wikipedia
English: NHS logo
Image via Wikipedia
Yesterday we read in the Voice newspaper that Mr Elliot Brown, a former NHS Divisional Director, won his case of Racial Discrimination against the NHS.  As an organisation offering care, supposedly, one has to severely question the NHS's behaviour.
We have been telling you  since last week how  Dr Tim McNicholas, his head receptionist Tessa Newbie, their nurse and other receptions flatly refused to treat a black man.  This is at Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation, 446 Fulham Road, Fulham, London.  It is a home for sick Military Veterans.  In an area somewhat affluent, patients living nearby also share the surgery with Military veterans living there.

Tim McNicholas and his team of Negro haters work  from  a building in the Veterans' Home, named the Fulham Medical Centre.  It might surprise you that the staff live on Council  Estates around the area.  This may well give you an indication as to why they refuse to treat a black man living at the foundation.

We are in no way, trying to belittle Council house tenants, and hope that no offence is taken. We are merely disgusted that normally such broadminded people would not want to discriminate against others.  Indeed, they falsely claimed that the real reason  for trying to ban the black veteran from his surgery is that he had been rude.

You will note that the NHS had lied about Mr Brown; but he nonetheless won his case. The court believed his honest words against their lies.

The Royal Cornwall Hospital Trust last year lied about a Whistle blower who had exposed them for what they are.  In the end it too lost its case.

A 28 year old Asperger's Syndrome sufferer who worked for Northamptonshire NHS Trust, successfully took his case to the Tribunal against them, for lying about his job status.  Again at the Tribunal, they continued to lie.  In vain, of course.

It is not just the lies and deception which Dr Tim McNicholas, his head receptionist, Tessa Newby, their nurse and other receptionists at the Fulham Medical centre, and the above mentioned trusts which we must put up with.  It is also the Trillions in pounds of our tax paying money which they are responsible for wasting.  Indeed, the NHS having initially lost these cases, had their over-priced legal teams paid again to appeal these decisions.  Yes, you are correct.  The NHS failed in their appeals, also.

In losing these cases, the NHS rightly has to award these victims vast sums of monies.  We say 'rightly' because no one should have to suffer such indignities from NHS staff whose first thought in all situations must be for the care of its patients and staff.

By staff we mean those few victimised by the many.  You'll have to admit that it would be crystal clear all along to the honest bystander that Mr Elliot Brown and the other victims were the ones telling the truth.  That is just as we are sure that it is Dr Tim McNicholas and his team who are lying here, in the case of our black Army Veteran.

It cannot I am sure doubt you, that those malicious NHS staff shall lie again, and again, in other cases down the line.  Why? Well, they know that their bosses will back them -- knowing of course, that the monies they are yet again going to waste shall come from neither of their pockets.  Instead, the funds shall come from us, the taxpayers.

Therein lies the problem.  At the first instance when your Dr Tim McNicholas', Tessa Newby's, and their colleagues throughout, lie, victimise and, racially discriminate against patients or staff, they should be sacked on the spot.  Any pension they would have earned towards their retirement, should be used to augment the payouts of those vexatious and deliberately lying case brought by -- or the ligitimate ones against them.

They should also be instantly struck off  of any and all Medical register(s) they were on.  These immoral beings knowing they would lose their pensions and never be trusted to work in the medical, or similar caring professions again, would certainly think twice; before they discriminate, cheat and lie.  Ever again.

Tim McNicholas, Fulham Medical Centre: 020 7385 6001   AND    Ed Thytherleigh: 020 7385 2110

 Related articles
        The Voice: http://bit.ly/A4jhaE
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Tuesday, 14 February 2012


English: The Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation (Home...
Image via Wikipedia
v.l.n.r: Trevor Phillips (Chair of the Equalit...
Image via Wikipedi

Do to others as you'd have them do to you: 
 Matthew 7:12
Out-Racism wishes to thank you for continuing to support our campaign.

We have been informing you that Scottish Dr Tim McNicholas at Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation, refuses to treat a black Army Veteran, on account of this Veteran's colour. Since then, we have had much support from you and sat through a very lively meeting discussing this matter and other poignant racial discrimination issues.

One of those issues, you'll remember was the case of a mixed race couple Jody and Sunny.  Jody's parents want absolutely nothing to do with her black partner, Sunny.  They nonetheless feel that it is their right to see this otherwise happy and dedicated couple's twins; their grandchildren.  Naturally, Judy and Sunny are having none it.  As Jody puts it: "you'll see your grandchildren when you start showing respect to their father." Bravo!
Stories such as this and another we brought you in the same report last week confirms that racial discrimination is still secretly happening in our country, on a daily basis.  It is up to everyone of us to make a positive contribution to this cause.  We must therefore denounce and expose racial discrimination -- and all other forms of discrimination wherever and whenever we see it.

Another story/experience mentioned at our meeting, was: When can it be fair that a successful black young man goes into a jewellery store to buy his fiance an engagement ring, only to be made to feel sub human; because he is not wearing a suit and has his woolly hat pulled down over his freezing cold head? Never!

Racial Discrimination clearly highlight stupidity, moral turpitude , loss of opportunities of all manner, hypocrisy -- and much, much, more. We must expose the people in society who practise it. We MUST rid this nation of it.

And Now, closer to home: In our fight of justice for the Army Veteran, we are pleased announce that both the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, and also the Equality and Human Rights Commission, are now looking into his case.

Naturally, we shall continue to need your support; as we do not know if these organisations will assist our former soldier, in the right way. Clearly the right outcome would be to have the  racist Tim McNicholas and his racist staff reprimanded and banished from Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation Medical Centre, known as the Fulham Medical Centre, based at 446 Fulham Road, Fulham, London, SW6 .,

Their lot MUST never be allowed to practise in the vicinity of Military personnel, serving or have finished serving as in this sick black man's case.  Furthermore, they must be made to know that they cannot lie about black patients, in order to refuse them treatment.  This would mean however, that knowing they cannot any longer  ban black patients because of the colour of their skin,  it is unlikely that McNicholas and his team would give them the best treatment available.  The simple answer therefore is to permanently scrutinise these peoples' work for ever, from now.  If they refuse this generous offer, considering their racism and malpractice, then they should be permanently removed from the Medical Register of Great Britain.  This way they can NEVER practise  in Britain again.  Perhaps then they may get a slight idea, as to how black people feel -- every single day of our lives.

These organisations certainly cannot expect the veteran to leave his home and medical centre to be treated elsewhere just because Tim McNicholas and his staff are too racist to serve this black Army hero.   It might also disgust you to learn that although the doctor and his staff refuses to treat our black veteran and insists that he goes elsewhere to be treated; they themselves continue to park their cars in the veterans yard, walk their dog there without carrying plastic bag or anything to clean up after dog does what dogs do. Poo/excrement.  Does this doctor set good examples? Clearly, not.

They also wholeheartedly embrace the use of the veteran's charity home and the commercial kudos coming with it.  This is racist arrogance at the highest level. Coming from a Medical Centre it  is unconscionable and unpardonable. We must all therefore show our support for our army veteran, and let this cold hearted, racist, Scottish doctor and his racist staff, know how angry you feel.

As we have seen in recent times, the Internet gives us a voice over those who chose to abuse their powers.  Dr McNicholas and his staff have. We must continue to use this medium to promote and highlight our case so that justice is done and seen to be done.
We promise to keep you posted.   http://bit.ly/A4jhaE                      
NOW TELL Dr Tim McNicholas HOW YOU FEEL: 020 7385 6001  FAX: 020 7385 3755
AND TELL OSWALD STOLL'S BOSS, Ed Tytherleigh: 0207 7385 2110 FAX: 020 7381 7484
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Monday, 13 February 2012


Alex Ferguson, manager of Manchester United F.C.
Image via Wikipedia
Don't all get caught up into the Suarez/Evra affair for the wrong reasons.  I have travelled worldwide on numerous assignments.  I therefore very frequently become disappointed by the devilish acts peoples of countries I have visited, carry out here in the UK. I have never yet figured out just why they act differently here.

For instance, Suarez who through his black grandfather's bloodline is actually a black man.  I mean, stand this rude, ignorant chap next to Wayne Rooney, and you'll instantly see two things: Firstly, Suarez is a black man with (slightly) light skin. Secondly, Rooney is quite a decent lad, after all. You see, Rooney may well get up to boyish pranks -- and more, but on the race issue he is firm. He'll accept no Racial Discrimination dished out to his black team mates.

At home in Uruguay with his hunched back, curly hair and yellow skin, Suarez must consider himself superior to his late black grand father and that side of his family tree. However, it is unlikely that he would act on his arrogance.  As far as I know there are no Race Laws in that country.  What I do know however, is that Suarez is a disgrace to the memory of his grandfather and all black people everywhere. He should be marked down as a joke.  A laughingstock.

I have no doubt that his white team mates and manager laugh at Suarez when out of earshot, for his false, stupid, self determined white status. In other words, the denial of his black roots.

In some circles, Suarez is seen as a coconut -- white inside.  A 'wanna be' -- I want to be white.  A house slave -- lighter of skin than slaves working in the Cotton fields, and on the Sugar plantations, etc.,. These light skin slaves would fetch and carry and at times grant more personal services, in their Masters' houses.  Their fair skin were down to slave masters getting down and dirty -- very dirty; rape type dirty, with beautiful black women slaves. Indeed, if one were to check Suarez's lineage the similarity, excluding rape, of course, is stark.

Also, it is well known that house slaves behaved  towards field slaves, in the same manner as Suarez towards Mr Evra. Superior.  Needless to say, the slave masters, their families and guests croaked in approval when they saw these all-black confrontations. It would seem that little has changed here since then.

Indeed, white slave masters and ilk, instigated these conflicts, by reminding the fair skinned Negroes that they had white blood  pumping through their veins.  That would no doubt make them feel instantly superior.  However, these slave masters cared not one way nor the other about fair skin or dark skin slave. In their eyes they were neither of them white.   They could use them in the same way they used their black mothers and just about any other way they cared to.  In other words, slave masters cared only about what slaves had to offer them.  They cared nothing whatsoever, about them, per se.

A fight to the death would ensue. The opponents of course were only recognised as Lighty and Darkie. The white bookie would take bets from all-white pundits on whether it would be Lighty or Darkie who would be murdered by the other.  It may surprise you to know also, that even when Darkie won, he would then be himself murdered -- for his blasphemy? -- Well, perhaps that.  One thing is for sure, a reason would be found.

Has anyone seen any similarities between Liverpool  FC, Dalglish and the large Slave Masters Mansions in darkest Mississippi  of old?  Suarez acted as he did because he is bereft of intellect.  Liverpool FC sanctioned his behaviour because they thought they could put one over on (love him or hate him) the ever brilliant Sir Alex Ferguson. Yet throughout this avoidable farce, It is Sir Alex, MUFC and the harassed and victimised Patrice Evra, who have behaved with stoic and admirable dignity.

Dalglish a surly sulky little man, can never rise to the heights of Sir Alex Ferguson.  Unlike Sir Alex, he is not a natural born leader of others, and he is certainly not an original thinker.  He is a mopish ingrate who never stayed out of the astute Roy Hodgson's way, as Hodgson tried to stamp his mark on Liverpool.  Whether Liverpool supporters like it or not, this is the beginning of the end for you.  Liverpool would  always now feature outside the top five of Premiership football clubs in the UK. That was apparent to all but you, when you deleted Mr Hodgson, and inserted  Dalglish.  Furthermore, With Dalglish at its helm,  Liverpool shall now always be riddled with Racial Discrimination, post Suarez.

Liverpool FC's dithering and latent apologies (many weeks overdue) shows it incapable of putting this very serious, yet once very avoidable matter, to bed. The case must therefore be taken away from Liverpool and be dealt with by the FA.

The FA's solution must be to put this coconut ... Er, Senor Suarez, on an Air plane.  Its instruction must be  that the plane should be otherwise passenger less.  It must fly to Uruguay; eject passenger  from seat, in parachute, thirty thousand feet over Montevideo's densest black ghetto and the Atlantic. This would place Suarez between the devil and the deep blue sea.  He may well swim -- else, sink.  Either way, he would have been given one last chance to redeem himself.  Or not.

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Saturday, 11 February 2012

OUT-RACISM: Self Help -- Politics & Prose

OUT-RACISM: Self Help -- Politics & Prose: DON'T BE FOOLED BY POLITICIANS -- SHOW YOU KNOW MORE THAN THEY " Politics is not a game ..." [ Winston Churchill ] ...

Friday, 10 February 2012


Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation
Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation (Photo credit: sarflondondunc)
"Those people looked at me as if I was a baboon, or somfing even lower. You get me? A just wanted to buy a ring for ma fiance. But cos am black and had ma hat pulled down over ma head, they thought I was a piece of sh*t. A felt like bussin up da place man.  But you know wot.  A didn't!  A just left.  No. A didn't take part in da riots; but a don't blame da brothas who did.  People like dose in da jewellery shop have to start showing us some respect."

Those are the words of one of the youngsters who braved the snow storms to attend our first meeting last night to pay respect to a black former soldier who is refused treatment by Dr Tim McNicholas of Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation, simply because this man is black.

We were not condoning the riots of last August.  As none of us were a part of it, we merely questioned its necessity, and probed its likelihood.

Many others voiced their concerns over the way some White Britain treat us. At the end of our meeting, we all agreed on one thing, in that the way we must succeed, is to follow the way of the law.  Black Britons must take their grievances to the courts.  However, along the way, we must name and shame the culprits.  We must let people see who they are and let others, especially decent, reasonable and understanding people of their own ilk, ask them why they are so narrow minded as to deny equality and justice to all.

A funny thing at our meeting is that the person who seemed most affected by the the issue of racial discrimination was Jody.  A white young lady from North London, she held her boyfriend Sunny's arm, throughout. As a result of their relationship, she no longer speaks to her parents, because although they want nothing to do with Sunny, they still want to see the twins created by him and her.  'Our grand children'.  The hypocricy!

These are just a few examples of the folly and danger of racial discrimination -- indeed, all forms of discrimination.  As responsible human beings we must snuff it out when and where necessary -- always.

We must ensure that this black Army Veteran is allowed to visit the surgery in his home at Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation.  We must let those who matter know that Dr Tim McNicholas and his other racist medical staff cannot behave in this despicable manner in 21st Century Britain.

Out-Racism is against ALL forms of discrimination. We believe that every decent and reasonable person should feel this way. Also.

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Thursday, 9 February 2012


LONDON, ENGLAND - FEBRUARY 08:  Harry Redknapp...
Image by Getty Images via @daylife
Despite our campaign in justice for a sick black Army Veteran, refused  medical treatment by Dr Tim McNicholas at Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation, we must  pause  (again today) for Harry and England, of course.

As stated yesterday, no matter what is going on in our on lives, we must pay the right attention to what is going on in other peoples' lives -- around us.

Once again we pay homage to a decent man, husband and father, Harry Redknapp.  Although one of the greatest football managers of his generation, this accolade remains second in importance to how he values his beloved family.  Such a man deserves the best in everything -- including positive publicity.

Ironically, this reporter recalls a conversation he shared with a very keen female football supporter, over a glass (or two ...)  of cheap  red house wine, four or five years ago. It was at a blind beggarly East end of London pub.  I asked her why of all people Harry Redknapp was not even interviewed for the England Manager's job.  Indeed, Harry was not even mentioned in the same vein as the likes of, say, Sam Allardice, et al.

At first she opined that he was not really that good a manager.  Then when I mentioned the many young (then, now a little older) famous players he blooded at West Ham United, she almost choked on cheap red wine. "Er, well ... er, maybe the establishment sees Harry as a sort of Brian Close figure.  You know, answering to no one.  Not suffering fools gladly, and all that."

I told her "True, Brian Close is a bit like that, but he is a Cricketer."

"Er, what?" she asked.

"You mean Brian Clough!" I told her.

"That's riiiiiiiiiiight". she agreed.

We knocked glasses, crunched pistachio nuts and laughed.


It is best when such matters are taken lightly.  With a laugh.  And sometimes with-wine or over a cold glass of beer. Dom Perignon too, if you can afford it.

All jokes, snacks and drinks aside, England must seriously chose Harry Redknapp as its coach and leader, in time. For far too long we have been lead by dispassionate leaders, and yes-men. It is time we are given the best.  However, Harry must not be rushed by England.  Such a man should be rested, cajoled and allowed to make his own decisions. Treasured.  It is then -- and only then, can we become a football winning nation.  Again.

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Wednesday, 8 February 2012


LONDON, ENGLAND - FEBRUARY 07:  Harry Redknapp...
Image by Getty Images via @daylife
There are times when whatever ills are passing through your life, as fellow human beings we must nonetheless think of others.  Today, we must all be happy for Harry Redknapp and Milan Mandaric -- and their families.  None but they can truly know how devastated they have felt over these past five years. Like the troopers they are though, Harry and Milan saw things through.
They did not put their lives on hold  whilst lies were being told about them.

As a successful family man (a rare feat), a brilliant football manager with resplendent personality;  Harry is a fine example of man. Such men make enemies. Try as their enemies do to belittle and  shame the Harry's and Milan's of this world, they rarely succeed with their malicious agendas.   And, as these enemies become less and less happy with their own measly lot, the happy Harry's and Milan's of of this world keep soring to greater heights -- and, rightly so.

A better friend than Mr Mandaric to Redknapp a man is hard to find. He stayed calm, positive, resolute and loyal throught this unhealthy saga. A classic example of man's humanity to man -- rather than the other way around.
You see, liars and deceivers never win ultimately, because, "Whatever is happening to you today is because of whether or not you work properly with the truth."
[Psalm 41:2; Psalm 112:1-9]

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Tuesday, 7 February 2012


Hip to be Hippocrates!
Hip to be Hippocrates! (Photo credit: Tony the Misfit)
Dr Tim McNicholas and his staff at Fulham Medical Centre are still denying treatment to a sick Army Veteran, because he is black. We therefore question him today:
1) Is this a Scottish thing?
2) Are you confusing the Hippocratic Oath with all things hypocritical?
3) Do you really think that Black Britain and our now inclusive nation shall allow you to get away with such a gross and unacceptable act?

Whatever your answers, doc, we just want you to know that we are behind that black hero all the way, and there is only one victor here.  It is not you.

You are living in Cloud Cuckoo Land if you think that you can getaway with malpractice and racism in 21st century England.

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Monday, 6 February 2012


OUT-RACISM: OLIVE BRANCH OFFERED BY RACIST DOCTOR, REFUSED ......: Image via Wikipedia We learn today that Dr Tim McNicholas, has offered an olive branch to the sick black Army Veteran he bann...


Fulham: The Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation memori...
Image via Wikipedia

We learn today that Dr Tim McNicholas, has offered an olive branch to the sick black Army Veteran he banned from the surgery in the veteran's own home.  He apparently wrote to the veteran telling him to go to, Dr Jefferies and Partners on Munster Road, in Fulham.

The veteran naturally has refused the offer.  He insists that he has done nothing apart from being born black. therefore he is going to no other surgery.  Indeed, he insists that  it is up to Tim McNicholas and his team to leave his home.  Not the other way around.

At the same time the doctor and his receptionists headed by Tessa Newby, who humiliated the sick veteran in the surgery full of other patients, expect to continue working from the surgery in the veterans own; at Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation, 446 Fulham Road, London. In other words, the veteran is not good enough to use the surgery in his own home, however his home's charitable status makes it perfectly convenient and profitable for McNicholas and his staff.

We have tried contacting the Chief Executive of Sir Oswald Foundation, Ed Tytherleigh, to enquire how he could  allow this racist decision to stand.  However, he only works part-time, and from home, apparently. 

We understand that the black veteran is taking legal action against both Ed Tytherleigh and Dr Tim McNicholas.  At present we do not yet know if McNicholas is one of the partners of Dr Jefferies and partners,  at 292 Fulham Road.  He insists there is better suited for the black Army Veteran. We intend to keep you posted.

As you are aware, Out-Racism is fully behind this veteran and accepts any advice/information you can give us, with regards to peaceful demonstrations and sit-ins at the Fulham Medical Centre; as well as any other advice. Tim McNicholas' decision to ban this former soldier affects all decent people, everywhere.  We must never allow him to get away with this racist and otherwise 'negligent' behaviour.  Furthermore, we must discover why Ed Tytherleigh the man in charge of Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation  allowed it to happen in the first place.

We must grasp the opportunity of using the Internet to expose the McNicholas' of the world. Just think for a minute what terrors innocent Libyans would still be living under, had it not been for the Internet. Let's make it work for this black man who has voluntarily served his country.  Now that he has become ill, he is unlawfully forced out of the surgery opened to treat his fellow veterans and him. A man who has served his Queen and country deserves better than this -- simply because he happens to be a black man.

Ed Tytherleigh Chief Executive Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation:  020 7385 2110 Fax: 020 7381 7484

Dr Tim McNicholas, banning black Army Veteran:   020 7385 6001 Fax: 020 7385 3755

Dr Jefferies & Partners, McNicholas' recommended Partnership?:   020 735 1965 Fax: 020 76103765

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Friday, 3 February 2012


English: The Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation (Home...
Image via Wikipedia
As we learnt yesterday, Scottish Dr Tim McNicholas refused to treat a black Army Veteran, for no other reason than his colour.  Of course he has tried to justify this Racist act, by claiming that the Veteran has been rude; merely because the black man rightly stood up for his Human Rights (as a human being), to be treated with full respect; especially, in his own surgery.

As chance would have it, Dr McNicholas works from a surgery on the grounds of the veteran's home -- the Veterans' Home of Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation, located at 446 Fulham Road, Fulham, London.  This Surgery was de facto opened to serve these veterans, be they white or black, as in the case of this poor victimised former soldier.  A similar arrangement to the Chelsea Pensioners, in Chelsea, we are told.

We do not know if there are any black Chelsea Pensioners.  What we do know is that if there are any, you are unlikely to get Dr McNicholas to treat them. You of course can ask Dr McNicholas what his plans are after he is forced to leave the Fulham Medical Centre, (a building in the black veteran's home)  because surely this sort of behaviour can never be tolerated from a doctor.  And, surely neither the Medical Authorities, nor the Laws of England (the doctor probably relies on Scottish Law) shall allow this doctor to pick and chose the colour of his patients.

When a final outcome is reached and this doctor and his staff are removed from Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation, he must never be trusted to work with Military personnel of any creed or colour again.  And, black patients must certainly steer clear of him. A permanent post to Benbecula or removal of all status to practice medicine should be the only options left to such a man.  Racism is a deadly disease. It must play no  part in our 21st century world. Therefore, anyone caught breaking the law in this immoral manner, must be made an example of.  Be he a road sweeper or a janitor -- but especially if he is a doctor.

You can ask Dr McNicholas what his plans are now.  Or you may wish to give him some suggestions here:
Dr Tim McNicholas may be contacted by phone on 020 7385 6001; or by Fax on 020 7385 3755

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Thursday, 2 February 2012


English: The Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation (Home...
Image via Wikipedia
Sometimes you hear stories which you cannot believe; so shocking are the facts.  Today we bring you one of these stories, by way of a campaign to make matters right.  Racial Discrimination is never acceptable.  However when it is exhibited from a Medical Centre, then that is by far Racial Discrimination at its very worst.

The facts are that the Fulham Medical Centre at 446 Fulham Road, Fulham, London SW6 1BG, refuses to serve a black British Army veteran, for no other reason that he is black.  Then in order to justify their reason not to serve this sick veteran, they claim that he is rude.  As we know there are two sides two every story.  All too often public opinion sides with the rich, against  poor white working classes and people of colour. Most times however, these peoples' stories are never allowed to be heard. 

We argue that thanks to the power of the Internet, such scandalous behaviour was exposed and put right in the recent Arab spring rising.  We beg you to support us for this sick black veteran, in the same manner that we ALL supported the strike out for Justice in Egypt, Libya, etc.,

Do not let Fulham Medical Centre, get away with banning this poor sick veteran.  This practise of Medical Practises secretly banning black patients, at will, is a regular occurrence.  They get away with it because black people are too tired and/or afraid to fight for their Human Rights.

As it happens, Fulham Medical Centre is housed in the Veteran's Home of Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation, based at the same address. The head receptionist, Tessa Newby humiliated this black veteran in a surgery full of other patients.  This is because the black veteran was trying to book an appointment since November of last year, for January this year. Yes.  That long.

He was told repeatedly to return to book his appointment. Indeed, each time he returned, he was again sent away.  When his medication eventually ran out  in January this year, the Veteran went in and rightly refused to leave until he saw a doctor and was given a new prescription for medication. As we understand it, this medical centre has allotted slots for 'Emergencies' every day.  However, even Emergency was not extended to this sick black veteran, on account of his colour.

Now, in case you have misunderstood, the story thus far, this medical centre is situated in the black veteran's home.  This medical centre is there first and foremost to treat Veterans. The veteran is  refused medical treatment on account of his colour and banned from returning. Banned, because he stood up as any assertive person, of whatever colour would and MUST, for their rights.

To ensure that he does not return, Tessa Newby threatens to call the police to drag him out -- of his own home, literally -- if you have been following this sad case of Racial Discrimination (which we trust you are).  It is the lowest of the low, coming from the highest form -- a medical centre.

Isn't it the duty of doctors to treat patients -- of ALL colour, creed, nationality, religion, race, et al? Well, according to Dr Tim McNicholas, senior partner of the surgery, NO.  This Scottish doctor, has condoned the racist behaviour of his reception staff and the humiliating dress down given to the veteran, by his head receptionist, Tessa Newby,  in the presence of other patients.

The doctor's nationality is mentioned not as a slur.  Instead, it is to indicate from how far away he has travelled, in order to chase this poor unfortunate former black soldier, from his own home and his own surgery, at the Veterans' Centre, Sir Oswald Stoll, Foundation, Fulham, London.
As before stated, this is a particular disturbing case.  We shall stick with it until this former black soldier is allowed to use his own medical centre in his own home.  Again, if you have been following this story, then you'll agree that when these people are brought to justice, they must all be prevented from ever working in the medical field again.

More to come tomorrow, and until justice is done and seen to be done for this unfortunate black former soldier.  Please tweet your support for this cause.  Please stick with us over this long and muddy journey of man's inhumanity to man. Please remember it is the duty of doctors to serve patients of ALL colour, creed and race.  And if the doctor works from a surgery situated on the grounds of a veterans' Home; it is his duty to serve ALL Veterans there, including a black veteran.

WE welcome any advice you have.  We seek NO MONETARY ASSISTANCE.

CONTACT: outracism@gmail.com

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Wednesday, 1 February 2012


English: Ed Miliband, British politician
Image via Wikipedia

Said David Cameron to the Speaker of the house:  
The cap is right                                                      
The cap is fair; but
This cap of Prime Minister,
Is getting too small for my big head,
To bare.

Mr Speaker, what can I do?

Mr Cameron, ask Honest Ed Miliband.,

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