Saturday, 14 January 2012


English: Photograph of Rosa Parks with Dr. Mar...
Image via Wikipedia
We must all do our best to eradicate Racism. It is dangerous for society if people are to suffer just because they were not born a certain colour, gender, or follow a particular religion.  It is our duty to continue to build on the struggles of the late American, Civil Rights activists, Rosa Parks,Dr King, and the great people of their ilk; most of them now dead.

Neither must we forget the courage, patience and dignity of Mr and Mrs Neville and Doreen Lawrence.  They fought nearly two decades to imprison the killers of their beloved son Stephen. Three more of his killers are at large.  They are well known, yet people won't bring forward the required evidence.

Rosa Parks and the Lawrance's have shown that Racism MUST be fought WITHOUT violence.  We  must therefore ALL fight Racism, legally.  It is a long road.  But it is the only way to travel, as far as Racism is concerned. Let us OUT Racism.  It is a grave danger to our world.

It may be easier than you think. When she was asked why didn't she go and sit at the back of the bus, when told to, by Racists, Rosa Parks declared: "All I was doing was trying to get home from work."  It  was just another way of saying  that, 'I may be Black, but I have the same rights as you, regardless of my colour.


Would you agree that London is one of the most racist cities in the world?  Please; let us discuss!  We can discuss this at anytime.  Meaning, a hundread years from today's date, if you like.  :-)!!
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