Monday, 23 January 2012


I extend my deepest and sincere apologies to Mr Lee Jasper for concluding in a recent article that he is mixed race; in the sense of a  person who has a White and a Black parent.  Without offence or anger Mr Jasper has told me that neither of his parents is White and especially not his Jamaican father.  All in good spirit of course.

Whereas others might have made a great deal of fuss over my obvious error, not so, Mr Jasper. Such measured and thoughtful attitude, give evidence as to why he is such a dutiful, accomplished and valuable Community Leader.

Having said that, Lee is in no way perfect.  You see, he enjoys when Manchester United beats my long suffering  Arsenal? :-)!

Seriously though Lee, thank you for being so understanding.  And to us all, a lesson: Just because a person is fair of skin, we must not just assume that their father or mother is White. Also, we must remember not to judge a person by their colour.  Black, White, Green or whatever, we must look for the good in them (it's there 99% of the time).

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