Thursday, 19 January 2012


English: Ed Miliband, British politician
Image via Wikipedia
Not many people will admit to being a fan of  Labour party leader, Ed Miliband.  He is calm, exceptionally intelligent and scrupulously honest.  Those are not traits common among politicians.  I too admit that I would have preferred his brother David standing  in Ed's shoes; and then walking to No.10 as Prime Minister one day (It may still happen).  It is wrong though, not to give young Ed the chance to make his own decisions.

I mean, aren't you fed up with bolshy, obtuse, dishonest, point-scoring politicians?  Aren't you fed up with politicians in opposition saying the exact opposite to what the ruling party is saying, just for the sake of it? My point is, just because you are in opposition, you do not have to OPPOSE common sense.

So, because Ed Miliband stands up and honestly agree to back the Government's public sector pay cap, in these times of austerity, the unions are all up in arms against him.  Would they prefer he promise the public sector pay rises of which our fragile economy CANNOT sustain -- in other words, lie?

Being in charge of the Labour party, is like taking over a farm or a pub, and living on the premises as part of the job offer.  Then, the moment you do something the owner disagrees with, s/he sacks you and makes you homeless, in a matter of seconds.  Like the fanciful pub or farm owner, our unions share the same woolly mindset.

You see, presumably the pub or farm owner  gave you the job in the first instance, because s/he realizes that you are by far the best candidate. You are a great asset and can certainly think for yourself -- just as when the Unions voted Ed, leader of the Labour party. However, the first time he shows that he is smarter, more honest than they, and can act autonomously,  they start plotting to get rid of him.

Incidentally, his brother David might well have made the same decision, for he too is bright,  honest and is nobody's puppet.

So what now Unison, et al?  Are you going to destroy a young honest politician, for being -- well --- honest?!  Will you then bring David on board, just to do the same to him. Because, you would have to destroy him also. For they are two fine, honest politicians of good pedegree.  And, after the Milibands, what then?  Back to the red mist of pre John Smith, and unelectable Labour party, times?

If you ask me, the unions would do  far better finding ways to  channel private money down to the poor in our society, reducing their own huge salaries and that of public sector fat cats, instead of catting about Ed's uncompromising honesty.  And another thing (I know you didn't ask; but) the Unions should get 100% behind honest Ed. Now.


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