Tuesday, 31 January 2012


Labour logo.
Image via Wikipedia
In UK Politics, every truth has two sides. It is only fair, then, that you listen to what the Coalition has to say; then agree  with the Labour party's version.  Theis' is the truth. It's that simple!

"Nowadays, flattery wins friends, truth hatred." [TERENCE]
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Monday, 30 January 2012


Ken Livingstone, Mayor of London, taking part ...
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And, -- "Everything that happens to you is your teacher.  The secret is to sit at the feet of your own life and be taught by it.  Everything that happens is either a blessing which is also a lesson, or lesson which is also a blessing.
              The only devils in the world are those running in our hearts.  That is where the battles should be fought." [Mahatma Ghandi]

It so happens that at the last London mayoral election,  Ken Livingstone lost. Only just. If he was honest (which he most certainly is) Ken would admit that he became complacent. For, like most of us, he also thought, that Boris Johnson never had a chance of becoming mayor.  A bit like Muhammad Ali in his first bout against Leon Spinks. Ali became complacent.  Neither us nor he gave Spinks a cat's chance of winning.  Skinks proved everybody wrong by beating Ali. He took both of Ali's belts and became heavyweight champion of the world.

Ali however, was prepared second time around. He outfoxed and out-boxed Spinks; wresting back his heavyweight crown. Ken must exact the same measure of defeat on Boris. Only, he won't do it without the help of London voters.  Allowing ken to regain his mayoral crown, would save London from certain ruin.

Ken  Livingstone will have used the experience of that loss, as his teacher.  He is an intelligent, caring and thoughtful politician. He would have learnt that the only devil in London is Boris.  And that, that is where his battles must be fought. And won. He is capable. Ready. Again, like Ali against Spinks the second time 'round, Mr Livingstone must demolish Boris. He must slay that dragon, in order to free London of its Tory party servitude.

London needs Ken for among many other reasons, to ensure that we can afford Public transport.   If you think about it, being able to travel without financial constraints is of  paramont importance to all else. Why, if you cannot afford to jump on the omnibus or tube to get to that job interview, or in order to hold on to your job, else to get to the supermarket to buy food-- then what is the point of living -- in London?

Boris has been running scared of Ken for the past four years. He knows that he became mayor only because Londoners and Ken took their foot off the pedal; believing of course that there was no further need to peddle Ken's sound ideology.  He dares not  share a public debate with Ken, because he knows that he is no match.

We live in an age when there are many self proclaimed experts in just about everything there is.  Were Londoners to think about it for a moment, they'd soon realize that there is only one politician who is an expert on London.  Furthermore, there really is only ONE politician who truly has the best interests of London, and its inhabitants at heart. It therefore stands to reason that only said politician should be voted mayor of London.  He of course, is none other, than Mr Ken Livingstone.

We must not get complacent again come Thursday, 3 May 2012.  It's Ken for mayor -- else  we are  all doomed, to despair.


CONTACT: outracism@gmail.com

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Friday, 27 January 2012


Labour's logo from 2000 - 2007. Updated versio...
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"I shall prepare myself.  Someday my chance will come." His chance  did come; and Abraham Lincoln, used it wisely.  Having said that, in Politics it took Honest Abe more than a decade of trials, tribulations and failures before he finally became President of the USA.  Er, eighty four years  or so, after individual  states of America had once been British Colonies.  But that's by-the-by!

Today, we see a Labour Party preparing itself for its chance to rule again. It is coming soon.  You can be sure that during his years of preparation, Honest Abe learnt from his mistakes.  Now, the only thing standing in Honest Ed Miliband's path to lead a presently leaderless Britain, is the Labour Party, itself. Yes.  Not the Coalition.  And here is why:

In times past, and at times present (although, less seldom), we see the Labour Party fighting amongst itself in public.  So fierce are the blows, you think them lifelong enemies, who could never in a million years quell their differences and work together.  Yet they'd expect the public to believe that such a disorganized lot could work harmoniously, for Joan and John Public, interests.  Of course, neither Joan, Joan nor I were convinced.  It's apparent nor did you, because the Party didn't win those elections.

If you follow both Cricket and Football, else just one or the other, you can see just why only the Labour party can defeat itself at the next General Election; be it tomorrow or whenever. England's Football team you'll note is full of geniuses.  But, instead of playing against the opposition, they play against themselves. So the lose.  On the other hand, the English cricket team has no geniuses among them. They however play for one another. And they win.

I am not advocating that the Labour party must hold the middle ground, flanked either side by Soccer and Cricket.  I am merely saying that the Labour party should quit quibbling amongst itself and start fighting tooth and nail for one and the other. Together.  First tactic,  start supporting the most able politician in Europe, Honest Ed Miliband -- although perhaps the meekest.  Accept that he is the leader (and stop searching for another, and another [and ano ... you get the point]) .  Ed is the talisman at play.  The man the team plays around.  Start giving him more credit. He has earned it. Serve the man.  Serve him the ball -- so to speak.

Second tactic, keep passing him the ball.  The next thing you know, he kicks it inside the goal posts at N0.10.  We all cheer when he brushes past Cameron the gaolkeeper; sorry, goalkeeper and throws the ball back out on the pitch. "And, the meek shall inherit the earth." Job done! Labour.

It is true that the Labour party cannot expect to win the next election if it does not believe 'in fighting'. The kind where you fight for one another.  It shall not win however if it continues its in-fighting.  The kind of fight where you fight against one another.

One for all, New Labour (still). Else NOTHING for all ( as Old Labour).  This Labour party must prepare itself for leadership of a leaderless Britain.  First however, it must learn from its past mistakes.  Experience of course, being its best teacher.

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Thursday, 26 January 2012


You cannot help but admire the elegant dignity of  Mrs Doreen and Mr Neville Lawrence.   Yet there is nothing elegant about  the senseless murder of their clever and charming son, Stephen.  Even as only  two of the five  murderous thugs were sent to prison, the Lawrence's  behaved stoically calm.  They are an example to us all.

There are three known killers living together among us; with their families, in splendour, and in plain view.  Perhaps they had killed other innocent black children before, and have again, since young Stephen.  Some of you know who they are, and where they are.  You have enough evidence to bring these thoughtless, brainless thugs to justice.  Yet you do not.  Will you wait until they murder your own white child, before you come forward?  That is a question you must ask yourselves -- and a matter between God, and you.

And, just so that you know, the infinite grief suffered by Mr and Mrs Lawrence, didst put a severe strain on their previously happy union. This too is a crime.  A matter those among you who still remain tight-lipped, shall answer too, to God.

What I am asking today, is that we all  give even a small donation to the Stephen Lawrence Charitable Foundation.  It is on the verge of closure, due to a shortage of funding.  The moment there is an earthquake abroad, or the sight of a starving donkey on our television, we raise millions of pounds for their cause in a matter of seconds.  That is a good thing.  A kind and genuine jesture.  However, just for once, and for this very worthy cause, let's start our charity at home, where it is meant to begin.

Let us save the Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust from closing down.  Now: http://www.stephenlawrence.org.uk

Letting this foundation shut down for lack of funds,  would be closing the purpose and intendment of a great and noble  cause.  It would be pouring salt on the wounds of the Lawrence's, whilst laughing at their quiet dignity, simultaneously.  If ever there is a time when charity truly begins at home, that moment is now. Today. Having said that, even if the United Kingdom is not your home, there is no reason why you should not make a donation as well; because Stephen [is] a child of the universe.

We must never forget how Stephen was slaughtered as if he were an animal.  When in fact, he was so much the child, children around the world  should aspire to be today, the moment before he was accosted and then brutally murdered. Nor must we forget Mrs and Mr Lawrenc's irreparable loss. Ever.

Kindly  make all donations diurectly to the Stephen Lawrence Foundation:

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Wednesday, 25 January 2012


Ed Miliband
Image by ARCHIVED Department of Energy and Climate Change via Flickr

As I have said before, show me a serious politician who smiles only when he needs to, as opposed to one who never stops grinning -- and I'll vote for him. And  so should you!  No.  I am not talking about Barack Obama.  I am talking about Britain's future Prime Minister, Mr Ed Miliband.

So the bell rang out at parliament today.  The chap in the blue corner came out grinning from ear to ear. As usual.  I don't know who he is, because he doesn't either.  He Cam a run, in a different guise every minute of every day.  Before  today's bout I have never seen him laid a glove on Honest Ed, fighting out of the the red corner. Serious and majestic. As always.  However, because the  fellow in blue is so interchangeable and chameleon-like,  each time  Honest Ed jabs him, he changes to red -- just like Ed. That's why Honest Ed never gets the points he deserves. Previously.

Today however, instead of jabbing, Honest Ed clean knocked the blighter out. No complications. No misunderstandings. No miscalculation of points.

A few more of those shots Mr Miliband, and  not only will you retire ole- blue-wots-his-name;  you'll also put a much needed shot into the economy.  PM, Mr Ed Miliband. No longer waiting --  but doing.  Soon. We hope.

CONTACT: outracism@gmail.com

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Tuesday, 24 January 2012


               "Justice is the earnest and constant will to render every man his due.  The precepts of the law are these: to live honourably, to injure no other man, to render to every man his due." [Justinian I]

Had the former Byzantine Emperor been alive today, I am sure he would have substituted 'man' in all cases with 'woman and man'.  That is to say, he'd agree that,  [justice be rendered to both women and men, neither be injured, and that, each man and woman be given their fair dues.]

The good GOD has made us in his own image.  Having said thus,  we are ALL unique. But in all of our differences: woman, man, christian, muslim, Jewish, athiest -- we ALL deserve respect.  It is not a fluke  that behind every so-called great man, there is a woman.  This is absolutely true, gentlemen.  First, however,  you MUST treat your woman like a lady.  Give her that understanding and she would give her life for you in return.  A good man however, would not let her die for him. Start here, and justice become us, ALL.

CONTACT: outracism@gmail.com

Monday, 23 January 2012


I extend my deepest and sincere apologies to Mr Lee Jasper for concluding in a recent article that he is mixed race; in the sense of a  person who has a White and a Black parent.  Without offence or anger Mr Jasper has told me that neither of his parents is White and especially not his Jamaican father.  All in good spirit of course.

Whereas others might have made a great deal of fuss over my obvious error, not so, Mr Jasper. Such measured and thoughtful attitude, give evidence as to why he is such a dutiful, accomplished and valuable Community Leader.

Having said that, Lee is in no way perfect.  You see, he enjoys when Manchester United beats my long suffering  Arsenal? :-)!

Seriously though Lee, thank you for being so understanding.  And to us all, a lesson: Just because a person is fair of skin, we must not just assume that their father or mother is White. Also, we must remember not to judge a person by their colour.  Black, White, Green or whatever, we must look for the good in them (it's there 99% of the time).

CONTACT:  outracism@gmail.com
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Sunday, 22 January 2012


I hope that Seal and Heidi Klum stay together.  Forever. They are such a handsome couple --such a shining example of us ALL being able to live together in perfect harmony; despite Colour, Creed, Gender etc.,

Wouldn't it be nice if singer Corrine Bailey Rae could phone Heidi and leave a message, saying: "Call me when you get this."  Then when Heidi replies, Corinne tells her: "Maybe sometimes we've got it wrong ... Girl [go] put your [Seal's] records on."  I am sure that would make Heidi convince Seal to stay with her, and vice versa.

'Call Me When You Get This' and  'Put Your Records On', are of course songs on Mixed-Race singer, Corrine Bailey Rae's, top selling, first CD; 'Corrine bailey rae'.  And just to seal the matter [pun intended, :-)!] Corinne could then call Heidi again and ask her to listen to, Corrine's own, 'The Blackest Lily' from her equally brilliant second CD, 'THE SEA'. That would certainly do the trick.  Again, assuming that Seal and Heidi are about to go their separate ways.  Let us hope they don't!

Thinking of Heidi and Seal's children (including their beautiful daughter fathered by Briatore ), we really should all worry for them too, were their parents to separate.  The fact that apart from the first, their other children are of Mixed race, is certainly a worry. I am reliably informed that mixed race children suffer even more racial discrimination than Black children.  Apparently, mixed race children suffer discrimination from Blacks, believing them not to be really Black.  And, from Whites, for their definitely not being White.  If that is still the case in our 21st Century, Global village, then we should  ALL be ashamed of such pettiness.

Petty as we may be, however, we all really know deep down, that Whites and Blacks are equal in all ways. If however we are still unsure that mixed race people are equally as capable as Blacks and Whites,  and that Heidi and Seal's union should not be as equally  acceptable as others, we should take a look at children born of the same, and similar unions.  Mixed-Race!  Indeed, some mixed race people are so brilliant at what they do (as are Whites and Blacks), that their colour becomes invisible, as their stature grow gigantically.

Five such women and men, are:
        Corrine Bailey Rae, a great singer and songwriter.
        Zadie Smith, a celebrated novelist.
        Halle Berry, an Oscar winning actress.
        Alecia Dixon, an all-'round-performer and intellect.
        Rosa Parks, the  mother of modern civilization.

                                Daley Thompson, the greatest Decathlete, ever.
                                Lewis Hamilton, a genius  Racing Driver.
                                Pushkin, a better writer than even Shakespeare. Apparently.
                                Aesop, the greatest ever writer of fables.
                                Barack Obama, President of the free world.

Please stay together Heidi and Seal.  Please peoples of our world -- our global village, denounce discrimination. Now.  Please remember: "Discrimination is a disease." [Roger Staubach]

CONTACT: outracism@gmail.com

Friday, 20 January 2012


Image by goto10 via Flickr
Once again, Ed Miliband walks the talk. He writes to the Cabinet Secretary, Sir Jeremy Heywood; and says -- [Hey Woody, no more goody, goody.  Take the 'Sir' from that dodgy banker, Fred Goodwin.]

Once again,  shining honesty, of the Labour party leader.

It is at Goodwin and his ilk, that Unison and other unions should be venting their spleen.  Not against Honest Ed.

In a strange sort of way, Ed Milliband  may well become our equavalent of Honest Abe Lincoln, 16th President of the USA.  Abe of course was Republican.  Party affiliation aside,   Abe too, was tall, lean, similar in complexion and serious looking.  Looking serious is hardly a crime.  In fact, give me a serious looking politician any day.  When I see a serious looking politician, I see a person deep in thoughts about caring for their constituency.

On the other hand, I see a permanently smiley politician as someone laughing their tale off, on account of how easy s/he finds it, ripping off their constituents.

Incidentally, like Ed Miliband, Abraham Lincoln was a long time in politics before being taken seriously.  He was defeated in his bid for congress, in 1843, then elected to congress in 1846.  In 1854 he was defeated in his bid for Senate. He lost the nomination for Vice President in 1858.Then finally, in 1860, he was elected President of America.

Lincoln did not let America down.  It is highly unlikely that Miliband would let Britain down, were he elected Prime Minister. However,  left to the unions, we may never get to know.

CONTACT: outracism@gmail.com

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Thursday, 19 January 2012


According to Keirsey, Oprah Winfrey may be a T...
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So. Beautiful, gifted and regal Oprah Winfrey, visits India.  Isn't it amazing how Oprah always seems to do the right things at the right times?  In India she is a Queen among Kings and princesses.  We love you Oprah.  Yes, we, do!

Incidentally, India is a great country to visit. It has excellent historical sites on  view.  And, the natives are so friendly and kind.

With  regards to Oprah being in India, as Aristotle claims:"The unfortunate need people  who will be kind to them; the prosperous need people to be kind to."  India is a swiftly developing country, but alike its Asian counterpart, China, large parts of these populations are still  extremely poor.

Oprah in India -- a great meeting of talented minds; and kindred spirits.

CONTACT: outracism@gmail.com

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English: Ed Miliband, British politician
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Not many people will admit to being a fan of  Labour party leader, Ed Miliband.  He is calm, exceptionally intelligent and scrupulously honest.  Those are not traits common among politicians.  I too admit that I would have preferred his brother David standing  in Ed's shoes; and then walking to No.10 as Prime Minister one day (It may still happen).  It is wrong though, not to give young Ed the chance to make his own decisions.

I mean, aren't you fed up with bolshy, obtuse, dishonest, point-scoring politicians?  Aren't you fed up with politicians in opposition saying the exact opposite to what the ruling party is saying, just for the sake of it? My point is, just because you are in opposition, you do not have to OPPOSE common sense.

So, because Ed Miliband stands up and honestly agree to back the Government's public sector pay cap, in these times of austerity, the unions are all up in arms against him.  Would they prefer he promise the public sector pay rises of which our fragile economy CANNOT sustain -- in other words, lie?

Being in charge of the Labour party, is like taking over a farm or a pub, and living on the premises as part of the job offer.  Then, the moment you do something the owner disagrees with, s/he sacks you and makes you homeless, in a matter of seconds.  Like the fanciful pub or farm owner, our unions share the same woolly mindset.

You see, presumably the pub or farm owner  gave you the job in the first instance, because s/he realizes that you are by far the best candidate. You are a great asset and can certainly think for yourself -- just as when the Unions voted Ed, leader of the Labour party. However, the first time he shows that he is smarter, more honest than they, and can act autonomously,  they start plotting to get rid of him.

Incidentally, his brother David might well have made the same decision, for he too is bright,  honest and is nobody's puppet.

So what now Unison, et al?  Are you going to destroy a young honest politician, for being -- well --- honest?!  Will you then bring David on board, just to do the same to him. Because, you would have to destroy him also. For they are two fine, honest politicians of good pedegree.  And, after the Milibands, what then?  Back to the red mist of pre John Smith, and unelectable Labour party, times?

If you ask me, the unions would do  far better finding ways to  channel private money down to the poor in our society, reducing their own huge salaries and that of public sector fat cats, instead of catting about Ed's uncompromising honesty.  And another thing (I know you didn't ask; but) the Unions should get 100% behind honest Ed. Now.

CONTACT: outracism@gmail.com

Wednesday, 18 January 2012


English: As Mrs. Lonnie Ali looks on, Presiden...
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Thank you BBC 4, for your marvellous 'Then and Now Muhammad Ali' programme last night at 10pm.Thank you  also for more of the Greatest at the same time tonight, (Wednesday 18 January [10pm]). Citizens, beautiful people, all-God's-children -- [:-)] -- if you have access to BBC4, please tune in tonight.   It's a joyous treat.  Now, another of  the Great man's quotes:
    "Friendship ... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of
     friendship, you really haven't learned anything." [Muhammad Ali]

Res ipsa loquitur (The thing speaks for itself)!

Once again, we must OUT racism wheresoever it raises its ugly head.  It is detrimental for an harmonious society. And, Society cannot exist without harmony.

CONTACT: outracism@gmail.com

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Tuesday, 17 January 2012


MANCHESTER, ENGLAND - AUGUST 26:  Boxing legen...
Image by Getty Images via @daylife

Let us ALL say Happy birthday to Muhammad Ali, Prince and poet!  Among other things, he is the greatest boxer living -- better than those all dead.  In a day when wimps, charlatans and also-rans, are referred to as geniuses, and larger-than-life, it is a great day for us to salute a real hero.

There isn't much that has not yet been said about this great man.  I therefore won't try to add anymore superlatives of my own.  All that's left for me to do, is remind us of one of Ali's many witty quotes: "I am so mean I make medicine sick." 

Well you know what, racists are so mean, they make us reasonable people, all sick. Right? :-)!

Happy 70th birthday to you Muhammad, Sir! Long may you reign.  King!

CONTACT:  outracism@gmail.com
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Sunday, 15 January 2012


Martin Luther King, Jr.
Cover of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Gone but not forgotten.  There can be no denying the loss of Civil Rights leader, Dr Martin Luther King, Jr., Had he not been assassinated by racists, he would have celebrated his birthday on 15th January.  There are some men: Aesop, Ghandi, Malcolm X, Mandela -- and of course, King, inter alios, whose very name ring out the great  struggle against racism.  We must never forget them.  We must ALWAYS praise them and cherish their memory.

Dr King once said. "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."  True!

We must NEVER stay silent againt racism.  It matters to us ALL.  We must bring the culprits to justice.


Has Dr King's assassination made any difference to racism in London, England, or other parts of our world?  Please; let us discuss -- at anytime, over the next hundred years or so.  :-)!

CONTACT: outracism@gmail.com

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Saturday, 14 January 2012


English: Photograph of Rosa Parks with Dr. Mar...
Image via Wikipedia
We must all do our best to eradicate Racism. It is dangerous for society if people are to suffer just because they were not born a certain colour, gender, or follow a particular religion.  It is our duty to continue to build on the struggles of the late American, Civil Rights activists, Rosa Parks,Dr King, and the great people of their ilk; most of them now dead.

Neither must we forget the courage, patience and dignity of Mr and Mrs Neville and Doreen Lawrence.  They fought nearly two decades to imprison the killers of their beloved son Stephen. Three more of his killers are at large.  They are well known, yet people won't bring forward the required evidence.

Rosa Parks and the Lawrance's have shown that Racism MUST be fought WITHOUT violence.  We  must therefore ALL fight Racism, legally.  It is a long road.  But it is the only way to travel, as far as Racism is concerned. Let us OUT Racism.  It is a grave danger to our world.

It may be easier than you think. When she was asked why didn't she go and sit at the back of the bus, when told to, by Racists, Rosa Parks declared: "All I was doing was trying to get home from work."  It  was just another way of saying  that, 'I may be Black, but I have the same rights as you, regardless of my colour.


Would you agree that London is one of the most racist cities in the world?  Please; let us discuss!  We can discuss this at anytime.  Meaning, a hundread years from today's date, if you like.  :-)!!
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Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Racism is not a joke.  It takes lives from us.  It recks families and society.  It sets races against one another. Dangerous.

CONTACT: outracism@gmail.com