He is testament that such men become vile, due to their own shortcomings, yearnings, and/or hurt; sometimes misconceived as brought on them by others. Like Hitler and Mussolini, also odious in appearance and thinking, brainwashing is a tool they and Griffin, like ALL racists keep uppermost in their despotic armoury.
Step forward Carlos Cortiglia, Uruguayan born of Spanish and Italian ancestry. He is the latest porn in Nick Griffin's racist game of conquer and rule. Games in general can be funny, but its winners are calculating. Cold. Carlos is no winner. An immigrant to these shores as late as 1989, he is clearly being used by Nick Griffin.
Above all, Griffin's game is no game at all. You see, there is nothing remotely funny about racial hatred and discrimination.
Carlos ran for mayor of London on May 3rd, on the BNP ticket. As fate would have it, he turned out to be nothing more than an an embarrassment. An embarrassment to Spain, Italy, Uruguay and London; judging from his sparse tally of votes. Er, and an embarrassment even to himself. Also. He came last. Obviously.
Like the brainwashed wannabe (want-to-be) stooges of Hitler, Mussolini, Griffin, et al, Carlos Cortiglia is hooked. He thinks that not only does he speak English, but that he speaks for the English, as well. A prize fool, smug faced and pint sized, he supported Argentina in the Falklands war which resulted in the loss of lives and limbs of many British Armed Forces personnel. And, of course, losses of all kinds to British citizens living on the Falklands, islands.
But, he is no less mislead than the aforementioned stooges, of the aforementioned despots. He speaks English like a man of old who learns another language from a book, ignorant of its idioms, its peoples customs or its sound. He then lands at the Airport, only to find that the natives are laughing at him, instead of with him; since the language he thinks he is speaking is not their own. Only, he is so ignorant, he does not take out his foreign dictionary to remind himself of the rudimentary nature between 'with' and 'at'.
He would do well to learn also that less than 1% of Britain's, are truly racist in the sense of the word. Indeed, even less than this percentile approve of racism in the melting pot of cultures which is London. And, even less of the difference between these two statistics, approve of Nick Griffin and his poison hatred of immigrants. The joke alas, is on Carlos Cortiglia. And, the person laughing at him most, is Nick Griffin. You see, Carlos, dear boy, the likes of Hitler, Mussolini, Griffin and their kind, likes no one whom they regard as not their own. No outsiders, dear boy!
Furthermore, were you to look closely at them, you would note that they do not conform to Hitler's own brand of the superior "Aryan" race of: tall, blue-eyed, blonde hair and white of skin, which they aspire to be. But then, as Hitler himself did not conform to his own description of perfection, it confirms the ignorance and megalomania, in men of their kind.
That Carlos wants to be, but can never appear, nor accepted as truly white, is neither here nor there. What is important, is that while you are here, Carlos, you treat people in Britain with respect. It matters not their creed, religion, nationality, sex, sexual orientation -- or dare I say it -- their colour.
That you failed so miserably in the mayoral race, sees you failing as a man, also. It proves one thing. You are a wannabe, Carlos Cortiglia. Nothing else. Nick Griffin saw you come in -- to Britain. He didn't like it. He does not like you. He saw you coming, so he came and courted you. But, make no mistake, Carlos, he'll be the first to kick you back from whence you came, once you have done his bidding. That is even with the British Citizenship you bought in 2003, dear boy.
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